Sometimes the DBA requires to create the read-only user for a particular schemas.While creating the user,one should always keep in mind that the user should have minimum privileges. There is no any direct command to create the read-only user in oracle.
Sometimes I find people grants “read any table ” privileges to create the read-only user ,which is not correct.
Created user name Whale and given access to select only HR schemas tables.
Step 1 : Create User WHALE SQL> create user whale identified by whale; User created.
Step 2 : Grant session and create synonym privileges SQL> grant create session ,create synonym to whale ; Grant succeeded.
Step 3 : Make script to grant select privileges to whale reated the script with the help of spool by selecting the tables of the HR schemas . SQL> SPOOL select_privs.sql SQL> select 'grant select on hr.'||table_name|| ' to whale;' from dba_tables where owner='HR'; SQL> select 'grant select on hr.'||view_name|| ' to whale;' from dba_views where owner='HR'; SQL> spool off Now , we will check the spool “select _privs.sql” and prepare this as script for grant permission.
Step 4 : Run the script to grant the permission SQL> @select_privs.sql The script "select_privs.sql" script after modification is . grant select on hr.REGIONS to whale; grant select on hr.LOCATIONS to whale; grant select on hr.DEPARTMENTS to whale; grant select on hr.JOBS to whale; grant select on hr.EMPLOYEES to whale; grant select on hr.JOB_HISTORY to whale; grant select on hr.COUNTRIES to whale; grant select on hr.EMP_DETAILS_VIEW to whale;
Step 5 : Create the synonym Connect to "whale" schemas and create the synonym so that the "whale" user can access the "HR" schemas without any dot(.) like select * from employees instead of “select * from HR.employees” .Here again we use the above method. SQL> conn whale/whale@orcl SQL> SPOOL synonym_privs.sql SQL> select 'create synonym '||view_name|| ' for HR.'||view_name||';' from all_views where owner='HR'; SQL> select 'create synonym '||table_name|| ' for HR.'||table_name||';' from all_tables where owner='HR'; SQL> spool off Now we have the script to create the synonym SQL>@synonym_privs.sql Now we have successfully created a read-only user for a particular schemas.
Step 6 : Check the tables
SQL> select Count(*) from employees ;
SQL> select Count(*) from hr.employees;
SQL> show user
USER is "whale"