unrecognizable hacker with smartphone typing on laptop at desk
Photo by Sora Shimazaki on <a href="https://www.pexels.com/photo/unrecognizable-hacker-with-smartphone-typing-on-laptop-at-desk-5935791/" rel="nofollow">Pexels.com</a>
You can query the v$session_longops view to find long-running queries and you can query the AWR to find historical queries (if you have purchased the AWR packs).. 

The Oracle data dictionary contains a little-known view called the v$session_longops. The v$session_longops view allows the Oracle professional contract the amount of time that is used by long-running DLL and DML statements.
Key definition of each column in v$session_longops

TARGET (table or view on which the operation is carried out)
SOFAR (units of work done so far)
TOTALWORK (total units of work)
ELAPSED_SECONDS (number of elapsed seconds from the start of the operation)
TIME_REMAINING (estimated remaining time in seconds)
Check for ACTIVE/INACTIVE Session:
set linesize 750 pages 9999
column box format a30
column spid format a10
column username format a30 
column program format a30
column os_user format a20
col LOGON_TIME for a20  

select b.inst_id,b.sid,b.serial#,a.spid, substr(b.machine,1,30) box,to_char (b.logon_time, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') logon_time,
 substr(b.username,1,30) username,
 substr(b.osuser,1,20) os_user,
 substr(b.program,1,30) program,status,b.last_call_et AS last_call_et_secs,b.sql_id 
 from gv$session b,gv$process a 
 where b.paddr = a.addr 
 and a.inst_id = b.inst_id  
 and type='USER'
 order by logon_time;
Check the all Active session
set linesize 750 pages 9999
column box format a30
column spid format a10
column username format a30 
column program format a30
column os_user format a20
col LOGON_TIME for a20  

select b.inst_id,b.sid,b.serial#,a.spid, substr(b.machine,1,30) box,to_char (b.logon_time, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') logon_time,
 substr(b.username,1,30) username,
 substr(b.osuser,1,20) os_user,
 substr(b.program,1,30) program,status,b.last_call_et AS last_call_et_secs,b.sql_id 
 from gv$session b,gv$process a 
 where b.paddr = a.addr 
 and a.inst_id = b.inst_id  
 and type='USER' and b.status='ACTIVE'
 order by logon_time;
Check the ALL Active/Inactive sessions by SID
set linesize 750 pages 9999
column box format a30
column spid format a10
column username format a30 
column program format a30
column os_user format a20
col LOGON_TIME for a20  

select b.inst_id,b.sid,b.serial#,a.spid, substr(b.machine,1,30) box,to_char (b.logon_time, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') logon_time,
 substr(b.username,1,30) username,
 substr(b.osuser,1,20) os_user,
 substr(b.program,1,30) program,status,b.last_call_et AS last_call_et_secs,b.sql_id 
 from gv$session b,gv$process a 
 where b.paddr = a.addr 
 and a.inst_id = b.inst_id  
 and type='USER' and b.SID='&amp;SID'
-- and b.status='ACTIVE'
-- and b.status='INACTIVE'
 order by logon_time;
Check the ALL Active/Inactive sessions by Username
set linesize 750 pages 9999
column box format a30
column spid format a10
column username format a30 
column program format a30
column os_user format a20
col LOGON_TIME for a20  

select b.inst_id,b.sid,b.serial#,a.spid, substr(b.machine,1,30) box,to_char (b.logon_time, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') logon_time,
 substr(b.username,1,30) username,
 substr(b.osuser,1,20) os_user,
 substr(b.program,1,30) program,status,b.last_call_et AS last_call_et_secs,b.sql_id 
 from gv$session b,gv$process a 
 where b.paddr = a.addr 
 and a.inst_id = b.inst_id  
 and type='USER' and b.username='&amp;username'
-- and b.status='ACTIVE'
-- and b.status='INACTIVE'
 order by logon_time;
SQL Monitor
set lines 1000 pages 9999 
column sid format 9999 
column serial for 999999
column status format a15
column username format a10 
column sql_text format a80
column module format a30
col program for a30
col SQL_EXEC_START for a20

       (SELECT status,inst_id,sid,SESSION_SERIAL# as Serial,username,sql_id,SQL_PLAN_HASH_VALUE,
         TO_CHAR(sql_exec_start,'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') AS sql_exec_start,
         ROUND(elapsed_time/1000000)                      AS "Elapsed (s)",
         ROUND(cpu_time    /1000000)                      AS "CPU (s)",
         substr(sql_text,1,30) sql_text
       FROM gv$sql_monitor where status='EXECUTING' and module not like '%emagent%' 
       ORDER BY sql_exec_start  desc
Blocking sessions
set lines 750 pages 9999
col blocking_status for a100 
 select s1.inst_id,s2.inst_id,s1.username || '@' || s1.machine
 || ' ( SID=' || s1.sid || ' )  is blocking '
 || s2.username || '@' || s2.machine || ' ( SID=' || s2.sid || ' ) ' AS blocking_status
  from gv$lock l1, gv$session s1, gv$lock l2, gv$session s2
  where s1.sid=l1.sid and s2.sid=l2.sid and s1.inst_id=l1.inst_id and s2.inst_id=l2.inst_id
  and l1.BLOCK=1 and l2.request > 0
  and l1.id1 = l2.id1
  and l2.id2 = l2.id2
order by s1.inst_id;
Check who is blocking who in RAC, including objects
SELECT DECODE(request,0,'Holder: ','Waiter: ') || gv$lock.sid sess, machine, do.object_name as locked_object,id1, id2, lmode, request, gv$lock.type
FROM gv$lock join gv$session on gv$lock.sid=gv$session.sid and gv$lock.inst_id=gv$session.inst_id
join gv$locked_object lo on gv$lock.SID = lo.SESSION_ID and gv$lock.inst_id=lo.inst_id
join dba_objects do on lo.OBJECT_ID = do.OBJECT_ID 
WHERE (id1, id2, gv$lock.type) IN (
  SELECT id1, id2, type FROM gv$lock WHERE request>0)
ORDER BY id1, request;
Kill Sessions
select 'alter system kill session ' || '''' || sid || ',' || serial# ||',@'|| inst_id || '''' || ' immediate;' from gv$session where sid='&amp;sid';
SQL History
set lines 1000 pages 9999
COL instance_number FOR 9999 HEA 'Inst';
COL end_time HEA 'End Time';
COL plan_hash_value HEA 'Plan|Hash Value';
COL executions_total FOR 999,999 HEA 'Execs|Total';
COL rows_per_exec HEA 'Rows Per Exec';
COL et_secs_per_exec HEA 'Elap Secs|Per Exec';
COL cpu_secs_per_exec HEA 'CPU Secs|Per Exec';
COL io_secs_per_exec HEA 'IO Secs|Per Exec';
COL cl_secs_per_exec HEA 'Clus Secs|Per Exec';
COL ap_secs_per_exec HEA 'App Secs|Per Exec';
COL cc_secs_per_exec HEA 'Conc Secs|Per Exec';
COL pl_secs_per_exec HEA 'PLSQL Secs|Per Exec';
COL ja_secs_per_exec HEA 'Java Secs|Per Exec';
SELECT 'gv$dba_hist_sqlstat' source,h.instance_number,
       TO_CHAR(CAST(s.begin_interval_time AS DATE), 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI') snap_time,
       TO_CHAR(CAST(s.end_interval_time AS DATE), 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI') end_time,
       TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.rows_processed_total / h.executions_total), '999,999,999,999') rows_per_exec,
       TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.elapsed_time_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') et_secs_per_exec,
       TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.cpu_time_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') cpu_secs_per_exec,
       TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.iowait_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') io_secs_per_exec,
       TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.clwait_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') cl_secs_per_exec,
       TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.apwait_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') ap_secs_per_exec,
       TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.ccwait_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') cc_secs_per_exec,
       TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.plsexec_time_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') pl_secs_per_exec,
       TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.javexec_time_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') ja_secs_per_exec
  FROM dba_hist_sqlstat h, 
       dba_hist_snapshot s
 WHERE h.sql_id = '&amp;sql_id'
   AND h.executions_total > 0 
   AND s.snap_id = h.snap_id
   AND s.dbid = h.dbid
   AND s.instance_number = h.instance_number
SELECT 'gv$sqlarea_plan_hash' source,h.inst_id, 
       TO_CHAR(sysdate, 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI') snap_time,
       TO_CHAR(sysdate, 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI') end_time,
       TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.rows_processed / h.executions), '999,999,999,999') rows_per_exec,
       TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.elapsed_time / h.executions / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') et_secs_per_exec,
       TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.cpu_time / h.executions / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') cpu_secs_per_exec,
       TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.USER_IO_WAIT_TIME / h.executions / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') io_secs_per_exec,
       TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.CLUSTER_WAIT_TIME / h.executions / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') cl_secs_per_exec,
       TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.APPLICATION_WAIT_TIME / h.executions / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') ap_secs_per_exec,
       TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.CLUSTER_WAIT_TIME / h.executions / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') cc_secs_per_exec,
       TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.PLSQL_EXEC_TIME / h.executions / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') pl_secs_per_exec,
       TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.JAVA_EXEC_TIME / h.executions / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') ja_secs_per_exec
  FROM gv$sqlarea_plan_hash h 
 WHERE h.sql_id = '&amp;sql_id'
   AND h.executions > 0 
order by source ;
Find Stale Stats
et lines 300 set pages 300
col table_name for a40
col owner for a30 
select distinct owner, table_name, STALE_STATS, last_analyzed, stattype_locked
  from dba_tab_statistics
  where (owner, table_name) in
  (select distinct owner, table_name
          from dba_tables
          where ( table_name)
          in ( select object_name
                  from gv$sql_plan
                  where upper(sql_id) = upper('&amp;sql_id') and object_name is not null))
Find Fragmentation
   table_name,round((blocks*8),2) "size (kb)" , 
   round((num_rows*avg_row_len/1024),2) "actual_data (kb)",
   (round((blocks*8),2) - round((num_rows*avg_row_len/1024),2)) "wasted_space (kb)"
where  owner='&amp;OWNER' and table_name='&amp;TABLE_NAME' and 
   (round((blocks*8),2) > round((num_rows*avg_row_len/1024),2))
order by 4 desc;