NASA Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Research Project Capstone Event (201405050011HQ)
<a href="" rel="nofollow">NASA Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Research Project Capstone Event (201405050011HQ)</a> by <a href="" rel="nofollow">NASA HQ PHOTO</a> is licensed under <a href="" rel="nofollow">CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0</a>

Each wait event in Oracle belongs to a specific class. Below is a breakdown of the various wait classes and their descriptions:

1. Administrative
These waits occur due to DBA commands that cause users to wait, such as during an index rebuild.

2. Application
Waits caused by user application code, like lock waits due to row-level locking or explicit lock commands.

3. Cluster
Waits related to Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) resources, for example, global cache resources such as ‘gc cr block busy’.

4. Commit
This class includes a single wait event: waiting for redo log write confirmation after a commit, known as ‘log file sync’.

5. Concurrency
Waits for internal database resources, such as latches.

6. Configuration
Waits caused by improper configuration of database or instance resources, such as undersized log file sizes or shared pool size.

7. Idle
These waits indicate that the session is inactive, waiting for work, such as ‘SQLNet message from client’.

8. Network
Waits related to network messaging, like ‘SQLNet more data to dblink’.

9. Other
Waits that typically should not occur in a system, such as ‘wait for EMON to spawn’.

10. Queueing
This class contains events indicating delays in obtaining additional data in a pipelined environment. Such waits may affect performance in areas like parallel queries or DBMS_PIPE PL/SQL packages.

11. Scheduler
Waits related to the Resource Manager, for instance, ‘resmgr: become active’.

12. System I/O
Waits related to background process I/O, such as DBWR waiting for ‘db file parallel write’.

13. User I/O
Waits due to user I/O operations, for example, ‘db file sequential read’.

The following query will provide details of the current wait events in the Oracle database:

SQL > SELECT a.sid,substr(b.username,1,10) username,substr(b.osuser,1,10) osuser,
substr(b.program||b.module,1,15) program,substr(b.machine,1,22) machine,
FROM v$session_wait a,V$session b
where b.sid=a.sid
and a.event not in('SQL*Net message from client','SQL*Net message to client',
'smon timer','pmon timer')
and username is not null
order by 6

Understanding what a query has been waiting on is key to identifying areas that need tuning. Oracle’s wait interface offers extensive data to help DBAs determine where to focus their tuning efforts. Here are various methods to analyze what Oracle has been waiting on:

Current session waits: v$session_event

Waits in the last hour: v$waitclassmetric_history

Historical waits, hourly breakdown: dba_hist_system_event

select  swc.wait_class,
        begin_time ,
        end_time ,
        SUM(wcmh.average_waiter_count) avg_waiter_count,
        SUM(wcmh.dbtime_in_wait) AS dbtime_in_wait ,
        SUM(wcmh.time_waited) * 10 AS time_waited_ms,
        SUM(wcmh.wait_count) AS wait_count ,
        SUM(wcmh.time_waited_fg) * 10 AS time_waited_fg_ms,
        SUM(wcmh.wait_count_fg) AS wait_count_fg
from    V$SYSTEM_WAIT_CLASS swc, v$waitclassmetric_history wcmh
where   swc.wait_class != 'Idle'
        AND swc.wait_class_id = wcmh.wait_class_id
group by swc.wait_class, begin_time, end_time
order by 2 desc, 3 desc, 6 desc ;  

---------------------------------------- --------- --------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- ---------- ----------------- -------------
System I/O				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24	   .009168298		 100	    554.407	   145		       0	     0
Other					 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24	   .003629916		 100	    219.501	    29		       0	     0
Administrative				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
Network 				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
Concurrency				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
Commit					 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
Application				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
User I/O				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
Configuration				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
System I/O				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24	   .049226673		 100	   2927.018	   592		       0	     0
Other					 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24	   .005764884		 100	     342.78	    39		       0	     0
Network 				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
Administrative				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
Concurrency				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
Configuration				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
Application				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
User I/O				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
Commit					 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
System I/O				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24	   .014699454		 100	    888.141	   164		       0	     0
Other					 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24	   .001827193		 100	    110.399	    18		       0	     0
Network 				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
Commit					 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
Application				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
Administrative				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
Configuration				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
User I/O				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
Concurrency				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
System I/O				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24	   .011028153		 100	    654.962	   164		       0	     0
Other					 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24	   .002105775		 100	    125.062	    24		       0	     0
Network 				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
Administrative				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
Concurrency				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
Configuration				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
Application				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
User I/O				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
Commit					 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
System I/O				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24	   .018329949		 100	   1112.078	   169		       0	     0
Other					 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24	    .00631434	  72.9238764	    383.091	   133		    .326	     0
Commit					 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24	   .000230081	  2.65718691	     13.959	     1		       0	     0
User I/O				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24	   .000019581	  .226143567	      1.188	    12		    1.03	     0
Concurrency				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24	   4.9777E-06	  .057487674	       .302	     3		       0	     0
Network 				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24	   3.6262E-07	  .004187844	       .022	    19		    .015	     0
Configuration				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
Application				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
Administrative				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
System I/O				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24	   .010886515		 100	    646.659	   164		       0	     0
Other					 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24	   .002678199		 100	    159.085	    25		       0	     0
Application				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
Concurrency				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
Commit					 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
Network 				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
User I/O				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
Configuration				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
Administrative				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24		    0		   0		  0	     0		       0	     0
System I/O				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24	   .036703046		 100	   2217.231	   202		       0	     0
User I/O				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24	   .008199421		 100	    495.327	    79		       0	     0
Other					 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24	   .007945953		 100	    480.015	   139		       0	     0
Concurrency				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24	   .000038967		 100	      2.354	     1		       0	     0     0		       0	     0
System I/O				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24	   .020081197		 100	   1194.028	   241		       0	     0
Other					 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24	   .010513454		 100	     625.13	    38		       0	     0
User I/O				 14-AUG-24 14-AUG-24	   7.4504E-06		 100	       .443	     6		       0	     0

select  snap.END_INTERVAL_TIME,
        dhse2.event_name ,
        dhse2.TOTAL_WAITS - dhse1.total_waits AS number_of_waits,
        (dhse2.time_waited_micro - dhse1.time_waited_micro) / 1000 AS time_waited_ms
        JOIN DBA_HIST_SYSTEM_EVENT dhse2 ON dhse2.snap_id = dhse1.snap_id + 1
                                            AND dhse2.wait_class_id = dhse1.wait_class_id
                                            AND dhse2.event_id = dhse1.event_id
        JOIN DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT snap ON dhse2.snap_id = snap.snap_id
order by dhse2.snap_id desc ;
SELECT a.event, a.total_waits, a.time_waited, a.average_wait
FROM v$system_event a
JOIN v$event_name b ON a.event_id = b.event_id
JOIN v$system_wait_class c ON b.wait_class# = c.wait_class#
WHERE c.wait_class = '&Enter_Wait_Class'
ORDER BY a.average_wait DESC;

This query selects specific columns from system-related views to retrieve information about system events, their total waits, time waited, and average wait times. It filters the results based on the specified wait class entered by the user and orders the output by the average wait time in descending order.

Top 5 wait events from v$active_session_history

select * from (
		 count(sample_time) as EST_SECS_IN_WAIT
	from v$active_session_history
	where sample_time between sysdate - interval '1' hour and sysdate
	order by count(sample_time) desc
where rownum <6
select SID,
       total_waits AS bg_total_waits,
       max_wait * 10 max_wait_ms ,
       time_waited_micro / 1000.0 AS bg_time_waited_ms,
       average_wait AS bg_average_wait
from   v$session_event
where  wait_class != 'Idle' ;
select  wait_class,
        total_waits AS bg_total_waits,
        time_waited_micro / 1000.0 AS time_waited_ms,
        average_wait * 10 AS average_wait_ms ,
        total_waits_fg AS fg_total_waits ,
        time_waited_micro_fg / 1000.0 AS fg_time_waited_ms ,
        average_wait_fg * 10 AS fg_average_wait_ms
from    v$system_event
where   wait_class != 'Idle'
order by time_waited_micro desc ;

Hope it helped !! 🙂