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We may need to find the database growth for different periods in the past.
This Article provides the queries to find the monthly database growth OR Segments growth OR Specific Database Schema in the past days based on the AWR snapshots.
There are different strategies for calculating the Monthly Growth of the Database :
You can use the following query to know the Growth of the database in a monthly basis , This data is from the control file :
select to_char(creation_time, 'RRRR Month') "Month",
sum(bytes)/1024/1024 "Growth in Meg"
from sys.v_$datafile
where creation_time > SYSDATE-365
group by to_char(creation_time, 'RRRR Month');
Specific Segment Growth in the past days based on the AWR snapshots :
column "Percent of Total Disk Usage" justify right format 999.99
column "Space Used (MB)" justify right format 9,999,999.99
column "Total Object Size (MB)" justify right format 9,999,999.99
set linesize 150
set pages 80
set feedback off
select * from (select to_char(end_interval_time, 'Mon/DD/YYYY') mydate, sum(space_used_delta) / 1024 / 1024 "Space used (MB)", avg(c.bytes) / 1024 / 1024 "Total Object Size (MB)",
round(sum(space_used_delta) / sum(c.bytes) * 100, 2) "Percent of Total Disk Usage"
dba_hist_snapshot sn,
dba_hist_seg_stat a,
dba_objects b,
dba_segments c
where begin_interval_time > trunc(sysdate) - &days_back
and sn.snap_id = a.snap_id
and b.object_id = a.obj#
and b.owner = c.owner
and b.object_name = c.segment_name
and c.segment_name = '&segment_name'
group by to_char(end_interval_time, 'Mon/DD/YYYY'))
order by to_date(mydate, 'Mon/DD/YYYY');
Growth of Specific database Schema in the past days based on the AWR snapshots :
set feedback off
set pages 80
set linesize 150
ttitle "Total Disk Used"
select sum(space_used_delta) / 1024 / 1024 "Space used (M)", sum(c.bytes) / 1024 / 1024 "Total Schema Size (M)",
round(sum(space_used_delta) / sum(c.bytes) * 100, 2) || '%' "Percent of Total Disk Usage"
dba_hist_snapshot sn,
dba_hist_seg_stat a,
dba_objects b,
dba_segments c
where end_interval_time > trunc(sysdate) - &days_back
and sn.snap_id = a.snap_id
and b.object_id = a.obj#
and b.owner = c.owner
and b.object_name = c.segment_name
and c.owner = '&schema_name'
and space_used_delta > 0;
Growth of Specific database Schema per Object Type in the past days based on the AWR snapshots :
title "Total Disk Used by Object Type"
select c.segment_type, sum(space_used_delta) / 1024 / 1024 "Space used (M)", sum(c.bytes) / 1024 / 1024 "Total Space (M)",
round(sum(space_used_delta) / sum(c.bytes) * 100, 2) || '%' "Percent of Total Disk Usage"
dba_hist_snapshot sn,
dba_hist_seg_stat a,
dba_objects b,
dba_segments c
where end_interval_time > trunc(sysdate) - &days_back
and sn.snap_id = a.snap_id
and b.object_id = a.obj#
and b.owner = c.owner
and b.object_name = c.segment_name
and space_used_delta > 0
and c.owner = '&schema_name'
group by rollup(segment_type);