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1) PREREQUISITES: Requirements before starting the DATA GUARD CONFIGURATION. NOTE: 1) In PRIMARY SERVER DG11 we need to install the...
As an “Oracle DBA ” normally interviewer ask about ORA-01555 snapshot too old error. What is Undo? Oracle Database maintain information that is used...
Source Database Name is PRODDB Target (duplicate) Database name is MYDB Source Host Name : server1.localdomain Target Host Name : server2.localdomain...
Check the status of ASM instance . SQL> SELECT INSTANCE_NAME,VERSION,STATUS FROM V$INSTANCE; INSTANCE_NAME VERSION STATUS ------------- -------- ---------------- +ASM STARTED...
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When we run SQL tuning advisor against a SQL statement or sql_id, it provides tuning recommendations that can be done...
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vi /home/oracle/scripts/lag_time_report_and_diskgroup_space.ksh #!/bin/ksh export ORACLE_SID=<Target_ORACLE_SID> export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/oracle/product/ /u01/oracle/product/ -s / as sysdba << NACHO > /tmp/standbylag.log set feedback off select...
Add the Target Database TNS entry to the Source's tnsnames.ora file(s) (all of them if it's a clustered Source) Set...
On Source, as Oracle user: export ORACLE_SID=<source_sid> sqlplus '/as sysdba' alter system set log_archive_dest_state_<whatever_#_used>='DEFER' scope=both sid='*'; alter system set log_archive_dest_<whatever_#_used>=''...
Overview:As we are already aware that the rolling forward an physical standby database via an incremental SCN based backup method is one of the easiest way of getting your standby database with lag into sync with the primary database.The lag...
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INFO INFO MANAGER Provides details of the Manager process INFO MGR Also provides details of the Manager process STATUS MANAGER...
What is a data block corruption? Data block corruptions occur whenever data is not in its expected state. The block...
Normally in DR setup, the archives from primary shipped to standby and applied there. Suppose some of the archives hasn’t...
RMAN recovery catalog is separate DB/ Server and which will save only the details of your backups in terms of...
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The ROW_NUMBER built-in SQL function provides superior support for ordering the results of a query. ROW_NUMBER is an analytic function....
OPEN_CURSORS specifies the maximum number of open cursors (handles to private SQL areas) a session can have at once. You can...
Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) satisfies the most pressing demands of performance, manageable backup and recovery, for all Oracle data formats....
Check the status of the cluster $ crsctl check crs CRS-4638: Oracle High Availability Services is online CRS-4537: Cluster Ready...