black room divider with geometric design on white surface
Photo by Anna Tarazevich on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
  • Overview
    1. Benefits
    2. What can be done
    3. Different Instances
  • Users (Interview Question)
    1. User
    2. Power User
    3. Admin
  • Mode (Interview Question)
    1. Fast
    2. Smart
    3. Verbose
  • Meta Data (Interview Question)
    1. Index
    2. Host
    3. Source
    4. Sourcetype
  • Exposure to commands – Part I
    1. Stats
      1. Count
      2. Avg
      3. Latest
      4. Max
      5. Min
    2. Timechart
    3. Chart
    4. Dedup
    5. Sort
    6. Operators
  • Exposure to commands – Part II
    1. Eval
    2. Table
    3. Where
    4. Rename
    5. Case
    6. If
  • Exposure to commands – Part III
    1. Earliest/latest
    2. Fillnull
    3. Strptime/strftime
    4. ____
    5. ____
  • Introduction to Regex (Interview Question)
    1. Rex
    2. Erex
  • How to join 2 queries; (Interview Question)
    1. Join
      1. Left
      2. outer
    2. Append
  • Lookups
    1. Inputlookup
    2. Lookup
  • Live Projects Query
    1. Searching a keyword
    2. Searching for value more than 90%
    3. Logs not rolling
    4. comparison between today and last week
    5. Calculating success rate
    6. No volume
    7. Calculating avg, perc99, current% utilization of OS
    8. ____
    9. ____
    10. ____
  • Setting up a dashboard
  • Apply filters on dashboard and pass token
    1. Dropdown
    2. Text
    3. Radio Button
    4. Multi Text
    5. CheckBox
  • Visualizations
    1. Single Value
    2. Pie Chart
    3. Bar Graph
    4. Line Chart
    5. Area Chart
  • Drilldown
    1. Same dashboard
    2. Different dashboard
  • Setting up Reports
  • Setting up Alerts
    1. Need to setup
    2. How to setup