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To create a shell script to run export/import utilities. 
# ---------
# Set environment variables for ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID,
# and DUMPDIR -- in case of datapump --, as well as PATH if needed.

trap '' 1 # to use nohup in a shell script

# Set these to appropriate values if needed:

# Customize PATH if needed


echo "Exporting $ORACLE_SID database. start `date`"
expdp system/password dumpfile=scott.dmp directory=DUMPDIR schemas=scott logfile=scott.log
echo "Export of $ORACLE_SID database completed at `date`"

#End of Script
Running the script

If you save the script as, type the following command at the Unix prompt to run it:
# ./
Note: Edit the above script to use it for your specific exports or imports (like full, schema, table, TTS).

In case of traditional export/imp (exp/imp), the above command may be something like:
exp system/manager file=scott.dmp owner=scott log=scott.log