
Dashboards in Splunk are used to represent meaningful information’s in a graphical or statistical way in order to get the business insights.

It basically consists of panels. Each panel depicts some information about the panel. Thus multiple such panels combined together forms a “Dashboard”.

There are basically three types of Dashboards:

• Operational Dashboards – Used by operations team to monitor the infrastructure.

•Business/Strategic Dashboards – Used by Business head to make decisions based on high level overview of the business.

•Analytical dashboards – Used to observe the trend of the KPI’s and based on that take decision.

It can further be classified as Interactive and Non-Interactive dashboards, where in Interactive dashboards, users can feed in input to look for specific service, timeframe and so on.

New/Existing Panels

Panel in a dashboards is one specific view. It is used to understand one KPI information. You can create a panel from scratch or copy an existing panel and update that with your query.


Splunk provides a variety of Visualization options through which you can choose to see your data. It helps to display the dashboards in a graphical way using histograms, line charts, area charts etc. It is used to visualize your data in a pictorial way to understand the trend easily and to enhance the aesthetic of the same.


To create an interactive dashboards, inputs concepts are used. These are the way you can interact with your dashboard or pass inputs based on which the panels modify and thus the results narrow down.

Let say one of the panels is showing sales of Maruti. Now with one of the input type, you can enter a particular model of Maruti and now the same panel will update to show the sales of that only model. Similarly you can update all panels based on 1 input or multiple inputs in the same dashboard.

Different types of input are:

1)Text Box
2)Multi-Text Box
4)Radio Button
5)Check Boxes
6)Time picker
7)Linked List